As you may know, an extraordinary photograph of the White House Situation Room, observing the action against Osama Bin Laden in real-time, has been posted by the White House. It captures, in a remarkable way, the unfolding of an historical moment, and the intensely visible unique personal reactions of each participant as they watched the events in Abbottabad, Pakistan occur before their eyes. The shocked disbelief of Hillary Clinton, the intense focus of President Obama, Gates, Mullen--the moment is set before us in a way that is human, moving, and real in a way that few such moments are presented before us.
Which makes it the perfect subject for a rapid spreading-like-wildfire Internet meme, in which the presence of some incongruous, often hilarious figure is included amongst the intense mixture.
Here is the home for all of the wildly multiplying Situation Rooms--from the grumpy flower girl at the Royal Wedding, to The Situation, a shocked cat, a sad Keanu Reeves, a Velociraptor, to all wearing Princess Beatrice's uniquely styled hat, see them all, in their memeish glory.
We will update as the new ones, like H1N1, rapidly appear.
Feel free to send your own contributions to situationroommeme@yahoo.com and we will post.

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And we will post.